1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:05,069 it's my great privilege to invite really 2 00:00:03,510 --> 00:00:07,319 a king's family member to come and 3 00:00:05,069 --> 00:00:09,150 minister tonight for a number of years 4 00:00:07,319 --> 00:00:10,950 he was worship pastor here in our church 5 00:00:09,150 --> 00:00:12,900 and then a couple of years ago moved 6 00:00:10,950 --> 00:00:16,139 down to Sydney to work for open doors 7 00:00:12,900 --> 00:00:18,390 and then managed to get a transfer back 8 00:00:16,139 --> 00:00:20,340 up to the Gold Coast and so he's 9 00:00:18,390 --> 00:00:22,529 ministering all around Queensland on 10 00:00:20,340 --> 00:00:24,000 behalf of open doors and I'm just really 11 00:00:22,529 --> 00:00:26,130 wrapped that he would be with us tonight 12 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,840 he's no stranger he's a member of our 13 00:00:26,130 --> 00:00:29,820 church is a member of our family so why 14 00:00:27,840 --> 00:00:41,670 don't you welcome James Kadena as he 15 00:00:29,820 --> 00:00:44,670 comes up oh there is Thank You pastor 16 00:00:41,670 --> 00:00:48,750 been and Trish Mike take your seat how 17 00:00:44,670 --> 00:00:51,239 embarrassing my goodness I just want to 18 00:00:48,750 --> 00:00:54,600 say that took me completely off-guard 19 00:00:51,239 --> 00:00:57,270 about the offering tonight and I just I 20 00:00:54,600 --> 00:01:00,719 just want to reiterate on behalf of the 21 00:00:57,270 --> 00:01:02,879 people we serve that I am so grateful 22 00:01:00,719 --> 00:01:04,890 and as you're hearing the stories 23 00:01:02,879 --> 00:01:06,720 tonight this is for you really pastor 24 00:01:04,890 --> 00:01:09,360 Ben and Trish as you lead this but also 25 00:01:06,720 --> 00:01:12,030 for the rest of this incredible church 26 00:01:09,360 --> 00:01:13,979 that as you hear these stories it's not 27 00:01:12,030 --> 00:01:16,110 just money into a bank account this is 28 00:01:13,979 --> 00:01:18,360 this is rebuilding people's homes this 29 00:01:16,110 --> 00:01:19,890 is feeding a family this week that 30 00:01:18,360 --> 00:01:22,979 otherwise wouldn't have been able to 31 00:01:19,890 --> 00:01:24,990 provide this is providing someone a job 32 00:01:22,979 --> 00:01:26,549 opportunity where they've been shunned 33 00:01:24,990 --> 00:01:28,110 out of every other opportunity just 34 00:01:26,549 --> 00:01:30,509 because they follow Jesus you are 35 00:01:28,110 --> 00:01:33,090 literally feeding the widow and the 36 00:01:30,509 --> 00:01:36,090 orphan with your generosity tonight I'm 37 00:01:33,090 --> 00:01:38,759 so humbled and I'm so so grateful so and 38 00:01:36,090 --> 00:01:40,890 it's my prayer as well that the return 39 00:01:38,759 --> 00:01:44,159 gift from the persecuted Church would be 40 00:01:40,890 --> 00:01:46,380 just a newfound passion and boldness to 41 00:01:44,159 --> 00:01:49,110 share the gospel the Gold Coast 42 00:01:46,380 --> 00:01:51,420 desperately needs Jesus and the message 43 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:53,340 of the good news of the gospel it's my 44 00:01:51,420 --> 00:01:54,899 prayer that tonight through their 45 00:01:53,340 --> 00:01:57,630 stories and their testimony that you 46 00:01:54,899 --> 00:02:00,509 would be encouraged and inspired tonight 47 00:01:57,630 --> 00:02:01,890 can I just pause and pray we've prayed a 48 00:02:00,509 --> 00:02:03,390 number of times but why don't we just 49 00:02:01,890 --> 00:02:05,700 commit this segment of the night to the 50 00:02:03,390 --> 00:02:09,060 Lord Jesus we become aware of you and 51 00:02:05,700 --> 00:02:11,129 you are such a good God despite the 52 00:02:09,060 --> 00:02:13,590 challenges that the world is facing we 53 00:02:11,129 --> 00:02:15,720 still trust you we can say with 54 00:02:13,590 --> 00:02:17,880 a heart full Lord we know that you are a 55 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:20,790 good God and a gracious and a merciful 56 00:02:17,880 --> 00:02:22,860 and a loving God we love to serve you we 57 00:02:20,790 --> 00:02:24,120 love to worship you and we've become 58 00:02:22,860 --> 00:02:26,340 aware of the fact that you've got a 59 00:02:24,120 --> 00:02:28,860 purpose for our lives tonight help us 60 00:02:26,340 --> 00:02:30,209 hear your voice and help us hear your 61 00:02:28,860 --> 00:02:33,530 heartbeat for the nations of the world 62 00:02:30,209 --> 00:02:36,030 tonight in your mighty name we pray amen 63 00:02:33,530 --> 00:02:37,920 and now it would be remiss of me not to 64 00:02:36,030 --> 00:02:42,000 mention my beautiful wife and she just 65 00:02:37,920 --> 00:02:43,590 gave me a lovely smile but stiff really 66 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:45,000 as you're hearing these stories I want 67 00:02:43,590 --> 00:02:47,010 you to imagine every time I mentioned I 68 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:48,420 met this person in Vietnam with the 69 00:02:47,010 --> 00:02:51,300 exception of Vietnam actually I met this 70 00:02:48,420 --> 00:02:53,100 person in Egypt that usually meant Steph 71 00:02:51,300 --> 00:02:55,590 was back at home with a handful of 72 00:02:53,100 --> 00:02:57,239 crying children on her own so Steph 73 00:02:55,590 --> 00:02:59,670 really is one of the heroes of this 74 00:02:57,239 --> 00:03:03,930 story and so I honor you my love you're 75 00:02:59,670 --> 00:03:05,640 amazing yeah I even have a little photo 76 00:03:03,930 --> 00:03:07,590 actually that I don't know Steph knows 77 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:10,800 that I use in my presentations are there 78 00:03:07,590 --> 00:03:13,560 you go aren't they lovely 79 00:03:10,800 --> 00:03:15,569 and I didn't realize it until that epoch 80 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:18,329 LED screen at Pimpin ma this morning but 81 00:03:15,569 --> 00:03:20,790 Jude has got food all over his face but 82 00:03:18,329 --> 00:03:23,790 I love it I think it's got character so 83 00:03:20,790 --> 00:03:25,709 Jude is now 6 years old Rose is 8 years 84 00:03:23,790 --> 00:03:27,239 old my little ballerina there and you 85 00:03:25,709 --> 00:03:29,670 most of you will know that we've got 86 00:03:27,239 --> 00:03:31,549 another edition joy and she is fast 87 00:03:29,670 --> 00:03:34,170 asleep for the moment so that's good 88 00:03:31,549 --> 00:03:35,790 what I'll do is I'll press on tonight 89 00:03:34,170 --> 00:03:37,049 it's going to be a mix of Scripture and 90 00:03:35,790 --> 00:03:38,579 you're going to get an understanding of 91 00:03:37,049 --> 00:03:40,829 what persecution looks like throughout 92 00:03:38,579 --> 00:03:43,890 the Word of God from both the Apostle 93 00:03:40,829 --> 00:03:45,420 Paul and from Jesus himself but I feel 94 00:03:43,890 --> 00:03:47,070 the best way to illustrate what's 95 00:03:45,420 --> 00:03:49,079 happening around the world is is through 96 00:03:47,070 --> 00:03:51,540 stories and so I'll start by telling you 97 00:03:49,079 --> 00:03:54,329 a story from the nation of Egypt and I 98 00:03:51,540 --> 00:03:56,220 had the huge honor of meeting believers 99 00:03:54,329 --> 00:03:59,519 right across the nation of Egypt in 100 00:03:56,220 --> 00:04:01,650 October of last year and I visited this 101 00:03:59,519 --> 00:04:05,880 location it'll come up behind me this 102 00:04:01,650 --> 00:04:09,420 photo of where there was this display of 103 00:04:05,880 --> 00:04:10,859 women on the wall and you might be 104 00:04:09,420 --> 00:04:12,810 thinking what's that about the next 105 00:04:10,859 --> 00:04:14,400 image shows a little bit clearer what 106 00:04:12,810 --> 00:04:18,479 we're standing and looking at on the 107 00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:21,120 right hand side there is a tribute to 27 108 00:04:18,479 --> 00:04:23,970 women and what happened in this 109 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:27,390 particular location is a young Islamic 110 00:04:23,970 --> 00:04:31,380 extremist took it upon himself to kill a 111 00:04:27,390 --> 00:04:32,550 Christian leader in downtown Cairo when 112 00:04:31,380 --> 00:04:33,990 you as anyone I don't know if anyone's 113 00:04:32,550 --> 00:04:35,340 traveled to Cairo but as soon as you 114 00:04:33,990 --> 00:04:36,720 land and you're traveling through the 115 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:39,510 city you look out and there's a sea of 116 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:41,640 crosses and a sea of crescents on 117 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:46,140 mosques it's a fascinating visual 118 00:04:41,640 --> 00:04:48,090 conflict and so this Islamic young young 119 00:04:46,140 --> 00:04:50,580 Islamic extremist took it upon himself 120 00:04:48,090 --> 00:04:52,169 to kill a Christian leader and he had 121 00:04:50,580 --> 00:04:53,820 never set foot inside a Christian 122 00:04:52,169 --> 00:04:55,979 compound before so he thought this will 123 00:04:53,820 --> 00:04:58,919 be simple like a mosque there's just one 124 00:04:55,979 --> 00:04:59,700 main building he had straps a number of 125 00:04:58,919 --> 00:05:02,700 explosives 126 00:04:59,700 --> 00:05:05,039 to his body and stumbled somehow past 127 00:05:02,700 --> 00:05:06,780 the security checkpoint and then was 128 00:05:05,039 --> 00:05:08,550 shocked because there was a large number 129 00:05:06,780 --> 00:05:10,169 of buildings in the compound and he was 130 00:05:08,550 --> 00:05:12,120 confused thinking wait a minute where is 131 00:05:10,169 --> 00:05:15,150 this leader going to be based I can't 132 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:17,370 see it easily with my eyes so he began 133 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:18,840 stumbling around looking for the place 134 00:05:17,370 --> 00:05:21,330 where he could hear the most sound 135 00:05:18,840 --> 00:05:23,780 coming from and on that day it was a 136 00:05:21,330 --> 00:05:27,539 worship and prayer meeting for women 137 00:05:23,780 --> 00:05:30,539 around 150 to 200 women had gathered to 138 00:05:27,539 --> 00:05:32,400 worship Jesus on this day so he's 139 00:05:30,539 --> 00:05:34,349 stumbling towards the entrance of the 140 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:36,810 chapel one man was present was the 141 00:05:34,349 --> 00:05:38,370 security guard at his position in the 142 00:05:36,810 --> 00:05:39,390 gate and he could see the men coming 143 00:05:38,370 --> 00:05:40,710 towards him and he knew immediately 144 00:05:39,390 --> 00:05:43,050 something was wrong 145 00:05:40,710 --> 00:05:45,060 so we motioned for him to stop the men 146 00:05:43,050 --> 00:05:47,220 continued coming he eventually took some 147 00:05:45,060 --> 00:05:49,050 steps towards him and eventually began 148 00:05:47,220 --> 00:05:52,440 running running towards him when the men 149 00:05:49,050 --> 00:05:54,599 detonated the vest and killed the 150 00:05:52,440 --> 00:05:56,400 security guard instantly but also these 151 00:05:54,599 --> 00:06:00,260 beautiful women lost their lives on that 152 00:05:56,400 --> 00:06:05,360 day I want you to think for a moment 153 00:06:00,260 --> 00:06:08,310 would that rattle your faith in Jesus 154 00:06:05,360 --> 00:06:10,440 would that affect your passion to come 155 00:06:08,310 --> 00:06:14,400 with joy as pastor been said to worship 156 00:06:10,440 --> 00:06:17,280 in the house of God you can see on the 157 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:19,349 left hand side the visual impact of the 158 00:06:17,280 --> 00:06:21,000 destruction is like nothing I've ever 159 00:06:19,349 --> 00:06:23,190 seen for me that was the first time I'd 160 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:25,380 visited a physical location where people 161 00:06:23,190 --> 00:06:27,300 had died in an attack like that you can 162 00:06:25,380 --> 00:06:29,400 see that the shrapnel marks all at the 163 00:06:27,300 --> 00:06:33,570 side of the column the charcoal at the 164 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:37,020 top but it wasn't the destruction that 165 00:06:33,570 --> 00:06:39,630 stunned me the most it was the next 166 00:06:37,020 --> 00:06:40,530 image which was the fact that on the day 167 00:06:39,630 --> 00:06:44,550 I was there 168 00:06:40,530 --> 00:06:48,480 there was still 150 women gathering to 169 00:06:44,550 --> 00:06:50,430 worship Jesus you can see behind the 170 00:06:48,480 --> 00:06:52,140 scaffolding there a third of the room 171 00:06:50,430 --> 00:06:54,120 was still being repaired there was 172 00:06:52,140 --> 00:06:56,430 around 15 men there while the service is 173 00:06:54,120 --> 00:06:59,190 happening chipping away and repainting 174 00:06:56,430 --> 00:07:01,170 the wall I'll never forget that site but 175 00:06:59,190 --> 00:07:03,210 again it wasn't just the gathering of 176 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:05,070 those women that shocked me it was this 177 00:07:03,210 --> 00:07:07,290 next woman on the next slide her name's 178 00:07:05,070 --> 00:07:09,330 Maria it's my prayer that you'll 179 00:07:07,290 --> 00:07:14,220 continue to remember Maria and pray for 180 00:07:09,330 --> 00:07:16,620 her as I do as we were walking out of 181 00:07:14,220 --> 00:07:18,780 the building our security guard which is 182 00:07:16,620 --> 00:07:21,360 the way we're allowed to get around in 183 00:07:18,780 --> 00:07:23,090 Egypt our travel agent said you need to 184 00:07:21,360 --> 00:07:25,470 meet this woman I know her personally as 185 00:07:23,090 --> 00:07:26,970 we're walking towards her we could see 186 00:07:25,470 --> 00:07:28,830 that she was dressed in black which is 187 00:07:26,970 --> 00:07:33,900 obviously that she's still in mourning 188 00:07:28,830 --> 00:07:35,340 and and our guide said to us the reason 189 00:07:33,900 --> 00:07:37,860 I know this woman is because I was the 190 00:07:35,340 --> 00:07:41,970 first responder on the day of the attack 191 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:45,720 as we approached we could see the photo 192 00:07:41,970 --> 00:07:48,300 around her neck was her husband the only 193 00:07:45,720 --> 00:07:50,970 man that died on that day I want you to 194 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:52,919 think about Maria for a moment as I said 195 00:07:50,970 --> 00:07:55,080 would you continue not only to worship 196 00:07:52,919 --> 00:07:56,970 Jesus maybe your faith would be rattled 197 00:07:55,080 --> 00:07:59,010 and you'd run away from him but would 198 00:07:56,970 --> 00:08:01,950 you continue to choose to worship in the 199 00:07:59,010 --> 00:08:03,900 same location multiple days a week with 200 00:08:01,950 --> 00:08:06,930 a visual reminder of your husband's 201 00:08:03,900 --> 00:08:09,830 death you know what Maria's one request 202 00:08:06,930 --> 00:08:14,130 to her Christian community of faith was 203 00:08:09,830 --> 00:08:16,220 can I take up my husband's position and 204 00:08:14,130 --> 00:08:20,310 greet people as they come to worship 205 00:08:16,220 --> 00:08:25,830 isn't that amazing and look at the joy 206 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:28,440 on her face radiant greeting people as 207 00:08:25,830 --> 00:08:31,260 they come to pray and worship Jesus 208 00:08:28,440 --> 00:08:33,690 Maria is an example of the kind of 209 00:08:31,260 --> 00:08:36,180 people we serve all over the world 210 00:08:33,690 --> 00:08:38,640 opened doors was founded by a man named 211 00:08:36,180 --> 00:08:41,190 brother Andrew he used to smuggle Bibles 212 00:08:38,640 --> 00:08:43,680 back in the 50s into what was then the 213 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:45,600 Soviet Union and I found out after I 214 00:08:43,680 --> 00:08:47,700 started working at open doors Poland 215 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:49,470 which is where I'm from I got to visit 216 00:08:47,700 --> 00:08:51,480 the Baptist Church that was his partner 217 00:08:49,470 --> 00:08:54,330 right in the middle of Warsaw and he 218 00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:58,740 would made over 330 trips filling his 219 00:08:54,330 --> 00:09:01,680 swaggin beetle full of bibles just the 220 00:08:58,740 --> 00:09:03,870 dutch way get it done just and he just 221 00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:06,450 pile these bibles in and drive over the 222 00:09:03,870 --> 00:09:08,399 border 330 times he used to pray a 223 00:09:06,450 --> 00:09:10,920 prayer famously known as the Smuggler's 224 00:09:08,399 --> 00:09:14,250 prayer where he'd say God in the Bible 225 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:16,440 you made blind eyes see now I need you 226 00:09:14,250 --> 00:09:18,149 to make seeing eyes blind people would 227 00:09:16,440 --> 00:09:19,370 open the trunk of the car and see 228 00:09:18,149 --> 00:09:21,990 nothing there 229 00:09:19,370 --> 00:09:23,610 330 successful crossings I always have 230 00:09:21,990 --> 00:09:25,529 the idea that Andrew didn't envisage 231 00:09:23,610 --> 00:09:27,750 this massive global entity is quite a 232 00:09:25,529 --> 00:09:28,890 simple man but people came alongside him 233 00:09:27,750 --> 00:09:31,110 and said hey we want to be a part of 234 00:09:28,890 --> 00:09:33,690 this and we've just added our 73rd 235 00:09:31,110 --> 00:09:35,700 nation to the list of where we work I've 236 00:09:33,690 --> 00:09:37,860 got a map on the screen that shows you 237 00:09:35,700 --> 00:09:39,990 visually the top 50 most dangerous 238 00:09:37,860 --> 00:09:43,019 countries to follow Jesus we call this 239 00:09:39,990 --> 00:09:45,600 the world watch list again remember this 240 00:09:43,019 --> 00:09:47,820 is where your funds are going today and 241 00:09:45,600 --> 00:09:48,870 I it's so easy for me I can say that you 242 00:09:47,820 --> 00:09:51,810 guys are already a part of this 243 00:09:48,870 --> 00:09:54,690 adventure it's so cool up there on the 244 00:09:51,810 --> 00:09:56,610 top right hand side next to China is a 245 00:09:54,690 --> 00:09:57,720 country called North Korea I'm just 246 00:09:56,610 --> 00:09:59,190 going to jump through a few nations 247 00:09:57,720 --> 00:10:00,630 around the world maybe the team can 248 00:09:59,190 --> 00:10:02,940 follow me through these really quickly 249 00:10:00,630 --> 00:10:05,339 something you might not know about North 250 00:10:02,940 --> 00:10:08,940 Korea is that it has been the most 251 00:10:05,339 --> 00:10:13,470 dangerous country to follow Jesus for 18 252 00:10:08,940 --> 00:10:15,480 years in a row 18 years you might think 253 00:10:13,470 --> 00:10:19,320 maybe Christianity has been crushed or 254 00:10:15,480 --> 00:10:23,270 that it ceases to exist there 300,000 255 00:10:19,320 --> 00:10:26,520 Christians alive in North Korea but 256 00:10:23,270 --> 00:10:28,410 70,000 of them are in prison as we speak 257 00:10:26,520 --> 00:10:30,300 and we're not talking in Australian 258 00:10:28,410 --> 00:10:32,730 prison we're talking some of the most 259 00:10:30,300 --> 00:10:34,290 horrific human rights abuses known to 260 00:10:32,730 --> 00:10:36,510 men are happening to Christians in North 261 00:10:34,290 --> 00:10:38,880 Korea right now we received a report a 262 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:41,850 few weeks ago of 20 women being detained 263 00:10:38,880 --> 00:10:43,980 in a 3x3 meter cell six of them had died 264 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:46,260 while they were in detention just think 265 00:10:43,980 --> 00:10:48,540 of the trauma and the horror but again 266 00:10:46,260 --> 00:10:50,670 the church is alive and the gospel is 267 00:10:48,540 --> 00:10:52,019 advancing despite the risks I just 268 00:10:50,670 --> 00:10:54,630 mentioned briefly the second country 269 00:10:52,019 --> 00:10:58,440 that comes to my mind is Iran number 270 00:10:54,630 --> 00:11:01,560 nine on the world watch list got it 271 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:04,020 right I just paused for a moment Iran 272 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:05,820 despite the fact that it's the ninth 273 00:11:04,020 --> 00:11:07,000 most dangerous country to follow Jesus 274 00:11:05,820 --> 00:11:08,950 get this 275 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:10,750 fastest-growing evangelical church in 276 00:11:08,950 --> 00:11:13,210 the world haha 277 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:15,070 it's a pretty rubbish strategy as you'll 278 00:11:13,210 --> 00:11:18,490 see across the night oppress the church 279 00:11:15,070 --> 00:11:21,340 it just explodes amazing number nine I 280 00:11:18,490 --> 00:11:23,620 met a pastor who's actually become quite 281 00:11:21,340 --> 00:11:26,050 a dear friend his his name's arm in and 282 00:11:23,620 --> 00:11:29,740 I'm in told me a story when he was 16 283 00:11:26,050 --> 00:11:31,300 years old that he used to have questions 284 00:11:29,740 --> 00:11:34,450 about that the prayers that he was 285 00:11:31,300 --> 00:11:37,900 praying as a Muslim and eventually Jesus 286 00:11:34,450 --> 00:11:39,910 appeared to him in a dream 5 a.m. he 287 00:11:37,900 --> 00:11:41,290 woke up terrified the presence of God 288 00:11:39,910 --> 00:11:42,400 which he now knows is the presence of 289 00:11:41,290 --> 00:11:45,790 God was all around him and he was 290 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:47,380 weeping uncontrollably and the first 291 00:11:45,790 --> 00:11:50,770 thing he could hear as he woke up was 292 00:11:47,380 --> 00:11:52,360 his sister and his mum were also weeping 293 00:11:50,770 --> 00:11:54,160 uncontrollably in other rooms of the 294 00:11:52,360 --> 00:11:56,410 house and he went and he spoke to them 295 00:11:54,160 --> 00:11:58,090 they had had the same dream as him the 296 00:11:56,410 --> 00:12:00,100 whole family immediately became 297 00:11:58,090 --> 00:12:01,930 Christian 5 hours later 298 00:12:00,100 --> 00:12:04,180 knock on the door one of our partners 299 00:12:01,930 --> 00:12:07,570 turns up and says I was praying this 300 00:12:04,180 --> 00:12:09,160 morning and I felt that our mins family 301 00:12:07,570 --> 00:12:11,650 were ready to receive the gospel here 302 00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:13,060 are three Farsi Bibles for you the story 303 00:12:11,650 --> 00:12:14,410 goes on we're actually hosting a night 304 00:12:13,060 --> 00:12:16,450 here in a couple of weeks time where I 305 00:12:14,410 --> 00:12:18,160 mean we'll come and speak amazing 306 00:12:16,450 --> 00:12:20,740 amazing man of God just remember that 307 00:12:18,160 --> 00:12:22,930 persecution suffering not always such a 308 00:12:20,740 --> 00:12:25,720 bad thing for the sake of the gospel I 309 00:12:22,930 --> 00:12:27,190 mentioned number 10 India you guys might 310 00:12:25,720 --> 00:12:30,010 not realize despite the fact that this 311 00:12:27,190 --> 00:12:31,510 is the world's largest democracy they're 312 00:12:30,010 --> 00:12:34,330 actually going to vote in the next 313 00:12:31,510 --> 00:12:36,430 couple of weeks it's the tenth most 314 00:12:34,330 --> 00:12:38,410 dangerous country to follow Jesus and 315 00:12:36,430 --> 00:12:41,440 the persecution here is absolutely 316 00:12:38,410 --> 00:12:44,740 horrific there's a group called the RSS 317 00:12:41,440 --> 00:12:47,200 which are like the ISIS of Hinduism 318 00:12:44,740 --> 00:12:48,750 extreme Hinduism and they have made a 319 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:51,910 statement that they will eradicate 320 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:53,670 Christianity from India by the 31st of 321 00:12:51,910 --> 00:12:55,990 December 2021 322 00:12:53,670 --> 00:12:58,390 pastor Ben I'm sure has got a mission 323 00:12:55,990 --> 00:13:00,190 statement for the church here the RSS 324 00:12:58,390 --> 00:13:03,760 has got a mission statement to eradicate 325 00:13:00,190 --> 00:13:05,110 Christianity by the end of 2021 what 326 00:13:03,760 --> 00:13:07,720 that means is Christians are either 327 00:13:05,110 --> 00:13:09,550 killed I have to convert back to 328 00:13:07,720 --> 00:13:11,740 Hinduism which is called a homecoming 329 00:13:09,550 --> 00:13:14,170 ceremony or they're forced to flee the 330 00:13:11,740 --> 00:13:18,070 country despite the fact we will be 331 00:13:14,170 --> 00:13:20,410 serving 1.2 million Christians in India 332 00:13:18,070 --> 00:13:23,199 this year in that amazing but 333 00:13:20,410 --> 00:13:25,029 is alive thriving final country I 334 00:13:23,199 --> 00:13:28,839 mentioned really briefly is number 12 335 00:13:25,029 --> 00:13:33,420 breaks my heart the nation of Nigeria in 336 00:13:28,839 --> 00:13:36,459 the last 12 months we documented over 337 00:13:33,420 --> 00:13:40,240 3,700 martyrs in this one country alone 338 00:13:36,459 --> 00:13:43,319 over 90% of the world's Christian 339 00:13:40,240 --> 00:13:47,579 martyrs occur in one country and it 340 00:13:43,319 --> 00:13:50,829 scarcely appears on our news feeds crazy 341 00:13:47,579 --> 00:13:53,920 daily attacks again I've met people I 342 00:13:50,829 --> 00:13:55,660 met him just a humble man willing to 343 00:13:53,920 --> 00:13:57,819 serve Jesus despite the fact that his 344 00:13:55,660 --> 00:14:01,300 own family are in risk at risk every day 345 00:13:57,819 --> 00:14:03,910 of his life let's have a look at what 346 00:14:01,300 --> 00:14:05,319 the Bible says about persecution some of 347 00:14:03,910 --> 00:14:07,779 these verses might shock you a little 348 00:14:05,319 --> 00:14:09,399 bit and that's kind of also one of my 349 00:14:07,779 --> 00:14:13,480 prayers for you tonight this could be a 350 00:14:09,399 --> 00:14:16,120 little bit uncomfortable Paul is writing 351 00:14:13,480 --> 00:14:19,029 to the church in Philippi here now just 352 00:14:16,120 --> 00:14:21,970 a bit of a reminder Paul previously Saul 353 00:14:19,029 --> 00:14:24,939 was an expert in the art of persecuting 354 00:14:21,970 --> 00:14:27,069 Christians he was complicit in Steven 355 00:14:24,939 --> 00:14:30,130 the first martyrs death we know he's 356 00:14:27,069 --> 00:14:32,410 there holding other men's garments while 357 00:14:30,130 --> 00:14:34,300 they stoned him to death then he has a 358 00:14:32,410 --> 00:14:36,639 profound encounter with Jesus on the 359 00:14:34,300 --> 00:14:38,709 road to Damascus and then goes on to 360 00:14:36,639 --> 00:14:41,410 lead many many churches obviously right 361 00:14:38,709 --> 00:14:43,480 so a huge portion of the New Testament 362 00:14:41,410 --> 00:14:46,149 but here he is writing to a church that 363 00:14:43,480 --> 00:14:48,850 is about to or is already undergoing 364 00:14:46,149 --> 00:14:50,860 severe persecution and Paul himself as 365 00:14:48,850 --> 00:14:54,610 you can hear in his language has been 366 00:14:50,860 --> 00:14:56,439 seriously persecuted himself but again 367 00:14:54,610 --> 00:14:58,240 it's not all a bad news story Paul 368 00:14:56,439 --> 00:15:01,329 himself says but I want you to know 369 00:14:58,240 --> 00:15:03,130 brethren or bros as I like to say that 370 00:15:01,329 --> 00:15:05,529 the things which have happened to me 371 00:15:03,130 --> 00:15:08,199 have actually turned out for the 372 00:15:05,529 --> 00:15:11,259 furtherance of the gospel there it is 373 00:15:08,199 --> 00:15:14,139 wait a minute don't go on mourning or 374 00:15:11,259 --> 00:15:15,699 complaining or whinging or putting up 375 00:15:14,139 --> 00:15:17,680 the Facebook posts about how bad that 376 00:15:15,699 --> 00:15:20,050 you've been tweeted being treated wow 377 00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:22,240 that was like it that was an awesome dad 378 00:15:20,050 --> 00:15:24,819 joke and I did not even mean it how 379 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:27,630 badly you've been tweeted I like that 380 00:15:24,819 --> 00:15:29,589 I'm gonna write that down for next time 381 00:15:27,630 --> 00:15:31,209 it's actually turned out for the 382 00:15:29,589 --> 00:15:33,459 furtherance of the gospel so that it's 383 00:15:31,209 --> 00:15:34,120 become evident to the whole palace guard 384 00:15:33,459 --> 00:15:35,980 why 385 00:15:34,120 --> 00:15:37,779 my favorite quotes here and to all the 386 00:15:35,980 --> 00:15:38,860 rest just a whole lot of random people 387 00:15:37,779 --> 00:15:41,860 that we don't even know who they are 388 00:15:38,860 --> 00:15:44,440 have become aware of Jesus they've 389 00:15:41,860 --> 00:15:46,630 become aware that my chains are in 390 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:51,279 Christ and most of the Brethren in the 391 00:15:46,630 --> 00:15:53,770 Lord have become confident by my chains 392 00:15:51,279 --> 00:15:56,070 and a much more bold to speak the word 393 00:15:53,770 --> 00:15:59,110 without fear isn't that amazing 394 00:15:56,070 --> 00:16:00,850 that's my heart for you tonight but 395 00:15:59,110 --> 00:16:03,700 despite the fact that they suffer for 396 00:16:00,850 --> 00:16:05,950 Jesus you would become bold in your 397 00:16:03,700 --> 00:16:08,620 faith I'd say you're a really quick 398 00:16:05,950 --> 00:16:10,150 story from the nation of China 27th most 399 00:16:08,620 --> 00:16:13,180 dangerous country this year to follow 400 00:16:10,150 --> 00:16:16,000 Jesus previously very very difficult in 401 00:16:13,180 --> 00:16:17,950 the in the 1980s brother Andrew came up 402 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:19,510 with this crazy plan because the church 403 00:16:17,950 --> 00:16:23,260 there despite the fact that it was 404 00:16:19,510 --> 00:16:25,240 suffering so much had grown from 10 20 405 00:16:23,260 --> 00:16:27,070 30 thousand Christians he thought they 406 00:16:25,240 --> 00:16:29,260 would all be dead now 10 million 407 00:16:27,070 --> 00:16:32,020 Christians alive in China but they have 408 00:16:29,260 --> 00:16:33,220 no access to the Word of God so they say 409 00:16:32,020 --> 00:16:36,520 you know what we need more than anything 410 00:16:33,220 --> 00:16:39,730 else is Bibles he says okay fifty 411 00:16:36,520 --> 00:16:41,980 thousand Bibles maybe 1 million is what 412 00:16:39,730 --> 00:16:44,050 we need we need a million Bibles so they 413 00:16:41,980 --> 00:16:45,400 smuggled literally a million Bibles in 414 00:16:44,050 --> 00:16:48,940 one day google it 415 00:16:45,400 --> 00:16:50,709 great story now China it's becoming a 416 00:16:48,940 --> 00:16:54,100 little bit easier to follow Jesus number 417 00:16:50,709 --> 00:16:55,870 27 and my boss interviewed a pastor 418 00:16:54,100 --> 00:16:58,959 there spoke with him having a chat and 419 00:16:55,870 --> 00:17:01,150 he said pastor how can I pray for you do 420 00:16:58,959 --> 00:17:03,040 you know what he said I said I want you 421 00:17:01,150 --> 00:17:06,459 to pray that persecution never leaves my 422 00:17:03,040 --> 00:17:08,589 country because I see your church in the 423 00:17:06,459 --> 00:17:10,480 West and I see a church where the value 424 00:17:08,589 --> 00:17:13,300 of faith has dropped and people are 425 00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:14,650 unwilling to share the gospel isn't that 426 00:17:13,300 --> 00:17:16,000 amazing that might tinker with your 427 00:17:14,650 --> 00:17:18,730 theology a little bit so I'll let you 428 00:17:16,000 --> 00:17:21,730 sit on that that's all good we'll go on 429 00:17:18,730 --> 00:17:23,530 and see what Paul has to say he says for 430 00:17:21,730 --> 00:17:26,079 I know that this will turn out for my 431 00:17:23,530 --> 00:17:28,960 deliverance through your prayer remember 432 00:17:26,079 --> 00:17:31,090 that the word prayer it's important it's 433 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:34,120 one of our seven core values actually so 434 00:17:31,090 --> 00:17:35,470 if nothing else be compelled to go home 435 00:17:34,120 --> 00:17:37,630 and pray for our brothers and sisters 436 00:17:35,470 --> 00:17:39,730 who are sitting in a prison cell tonight 437 00:17:37,630 --> 00:17:41,980 they may even die tonight think about 438 00:17:39,730 --> 00:17:44,380 that for a moment but your prayer and 439 00:17:41,980 --> 00:17:47,980 the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ 440 00:17:44,380 --> 00:17:51,040 according to my earnest expectation and 441 00:17:47,980 --> 00:17:52,440 that in noting I shall be ashamed there 442 00:17:51,040 --> 00:17:55,330 it is again 443 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:57,790 can you honestly look at your life and 444 00:17:55,330 --> 00:18:01,510 the way you follow Jesus and say that I 445 00:17:57,790 --> 00:18:03,430 am ashamed of nothing for Jesus I don't 446 00:18:01,510 --> 00:18:06,010 know about you but I probably can't say 447 00:18:03,430 --> 00:18:07,900 that but it's his prayer it's Paul's 448 00:18:06,010 --> 00:18:09,730 prayer for the church it's my hope that 449 00:18:07,900 --> 00:18:13,480 in nothing I shall be ashamed but with 450 00:18:09,730 --> 00:18:15,520 all boldness as always so now also 451 00:18:13,480 --> 00:18:18,880 Christ will be magnified in my body 452 00:18:15,520 --> 00:18:21,730 whether by life or by death for me to 453 00:18:18,880 --> 00:18:25,660 live is Christ and to die is gain 454 00:18:21,730 --> 00:18:27,610 we met a Pakistani believer a woman who 455 00:18:25,660 --> 00:18:29,950 was continuing to worship even though 456 00:18:27,610 --> 00:18:31,900 bombings were imminent in her church and 457 00:18:29,950 --> 00:18:34,030 you know what she said she said if I am 458 00:18:31,900 --> 00:18:36,100 worshiping Jesus today at church and a 459 00:18:34,030 --> 00:18:37,870 suicide bomber comes in and I die at 460 00:18:36,100 --> 00:18:40,720 least then I will enter into the 461 00:18:37,870 --> 00:18:43,180 fullness of glory the fullness of 462 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:45,430 worship I thought I understood this 463 00:18:43,180 --> 00:18:48,040 verse as I was growing up in church to 464 00:18:45,430 --> 00:18:50,710 live is Christ and to die is gain these 465 00:18:48,040 --> 00:18:53,470 people literally are living a life that 466 00:18:50,710 --> 00:18:56,560 looks like this I'll tell you a story 467 00:18:53,470 --> 00:18:58,090 again from the nation of Vietnam you 468 00:18:56,560 --> 00:19:00,880 might be surprised to know that Vietnam 469 00:18:58,090 --> 00:19:03,190 is the 20th most dangerous country to 470 00:19:00,880 --> 00:19:04,630 follow Jesus despite the fact that it's 471 00:19:03,190 --> 00:19:07,810 the sixth most popular tourist 472 00:19:04,630 --> 00:19:09,760 destination for Ozzie's while I was in 473 00:19:07,810 --> 00:19:11,500 Vietnam I met these three men on the 474 00:19:09,760 --> 00:19:13,330 next slide I'll tell you the story of 475 00:19:11,500 --> 00:19:16,090 the man in the middle his name is Dinh 476 00:19:13,330 --> 00:19:18,550 bends in it was my age within one month 477 00:19:16,090 --> 00:19:21,400 and he had two kids the same age as rose 478 00:19:18,550 --> 00:19:24,810 and Jude within one month so his story 479 00:19:21,400 --> 00:19:28,690 obviously resonated with me gin Venzon 480 00:19:24,810 --> 00:19:31,540 lives in a village of 100 people it's 481 00:19:28,690 --> 00:19:34,540 maybe this portion of the room I reckon 482 00:19:31,540 --> 00:19:36,280 100 people his entire life everyone he 483 00:19:34,540 --> 00:19:38,440 knows is wrapped up in that village 484 00:19:36,280 --> 00:19:40,720 community most of them are probably his 485 00:19:38,440 --> 00:19:43,210 family right a huge number of them at 486 00:19:40,720 --> 00:19:45,280 least his close friends and is a 487 00:19:43,210 --> 00:19:47,590 subsistence farmer so that means he just 488 00:19:45,280 --> 00:19:49,810 grows a basic crop at the back of his 489 00:19:47,590 --> 00:19:52,390 property to feed his family that's all 490 00:19:49,810 --> 00:19:54,010 he's got to live on in Venzon heard the 491 00:19:52,390 --> 00:19:57,040 Gospel through one of our partners in a 492 00:19:54,010 --> 00:19:59,770 radio broadcast and was profoundly and 493 00:19:57,040 --> 00:20:01,870 radically saved the first thing he did 494 00:19:59,770 --> 00:20:04,059 as is often the case when we first 495 00:20:01,870 --> 00:20:06,429 Jesus went and told everyone he knew 496 00:20:04,059 --> 00:20:09,100 about Jesus and in the first three 497 00:20:06,429 --> 00:20:10,960 months five families had become 498 00:20:09,100 --> 00:20:12,850 Christian in that village wouldn't that 499 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:14,710 be like revival breaking out in the 500 00:20:12,850 --> 00:20:19,570 central highlands of Vietnam five 501 00:20:14,710 --> 00:20:21,279 families of 100 people but you see in 502 00:20:19,570 --> 00:20:23,919 this part of Vietnam it's still a 503 00:20:21,279 --> 00:20:26,440 communist government only five left in 504 00:20:23,919 --> 00:20:28,480 the world even though communists 505 00:20:26,440 --> 00:20:30,100 generally would say that there is no God 506 00:20:28,480 --> 00:20:31,059 in this part of the central highlands 507 00:20:30,100 --> 00:20:32,980 there's still a lot of what we call 508 00:20:31,059 --> 00:20:36,159 animism idol worship people will 509 00:20:32,980 --> 00:20:37,539 sacrifice food animals to idols so that 510 00:20:36,159 --> 00:20:40,299 they have a successful crop the 511 00:20:37,539 --> 00:20:41,950 following year so when the villagers 512 00:20:40,299 --> 00:20:43,480 could see wait a minute all of these 513 00:20:41,950 --> 00:20:45,220 people are becoming Christian and 514 00:20:43,480 --> 00:20:46,840 they're no longer taking part in the 515 00:20:45,220 --> 00:20:49,120 sacrifices for the animals 516 00:20:46,840 --> 00:20:51,399 maybe our food suppliers in danger so 517 00:20:49,120 --> 00:20:53,169 we'll notify the local authorities it's 518 00:20:51,399 --> 00:20:55,960 not very difficult to do because there's 519 00:20:53,169 --> 00:20:58,720 a ratio of one police officer for every 520 00:20:55,960 --> 00:21:00,789 12 citizens in this part of Vietnam the 521 00:20:58,720 --> 00:21:03,909 government knows everything they can see 522 00:21:00,789 --> 00:21:06,820 everything they hear everything so they 523 00:21:03,909 --> 00:21:09,220 call a local town hall meeting get all 524 00:21:06,820 --> 00:21:11,500 100 villagers inside and put in vans in 525 00:21:09,220 --> 00:21:15,190 on stage set up a PA system and 526 00:21:11,500 --> 00:21:18,460 projectors and begin to roll videos of 527 00:21:15,190 --> 00:21:20,529 malnourished African children and they 528 00:21:18,460 --> 00:21:22,539 say to them all if you allow this man to 529 00:21:20,529 --> 00:21:25,390 convert your village to Christianity 530 00:21:22,539 --> 00:21:29,409 this is what will become of you they do 531 00:21:25,390 --> 00:21:31,090 that every night for seven nights until 532 00:21:29,409 --> 00:21:34,470 by the end of a week the villagers are 533 00:21:31,090 --> 00:21:38,669 enraged screaming at him swearing at him 534 00:21:34,470 --> 00:21:41,230 spitting on him spitting on his children 535 00:21:38,669 --> 00:21:43,000 the government know they've done their 536 00:21:41,230 --> 00:21:46,510 job and they backed down the PA system 537 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:48,429 and they leave town din Venzon by now 538 00:21:46,510 --> 00:21:50,789 was beginning to weep with us as he 539 00:21:48,429 --> 00:21:53,649 shared these stories 540 00:21:50,789 --> 00:21:55,480 he said the villagers would come through 541 00:21:53,649 --> 00:21:57,429 and let their cattle loose through my 542 00:21:55,480 --> 00:21:59,080 property destroying my rice crop he had 543 00:21:57,429 --> 00:22:01,059 no way to feed his family anymore 544 00:21:59,080 --> 00:22:03,490 he was a little bit of an entrepreneur 545 00:22:01,059 --> 00:22:05,830 so he had a small plantation of trees 546 00:22:03,490 --> 00:22:07,570 that he was intending to use as a paper 547 00:22:05,830 --> 00:22:09,120 mill to sell at the market so he could 548 00:22:07,570 --> 00:22:11,820 give his kids a bit of an education 549 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:14,110 think how demoralizing this would be 550 00:22:11,820 --> 00:22:15,179 they came through and just cut the trees 551 00:22:14,110 --> 00:22:19,210 down in front of 552 00:22:15,179 --> 00:22:21,910 they had just enough income to feed one 553 00:22:19,210 --> 00:22:23,230 Pig doesn't sound like a big deal to us 554 00:22:21,910 --> 00:22:25,630 where we just drop down to the 555 00:22:23,230 --> 00:22:28,270 supermarket but it wasn't for them to 556 00:22:25,630 --> 00:22:31,809 eat this was equivalent to three years 557 00:22:28,270 --> 00:22:35,530 salary the villagers just killed the 558 00:22:31,809 --> 00:22:38,710 animal in front of them a few months 559 00:22:35,530 --> 00:22:41,850 after I was in Vietnam I was sitting in 560 00:22:38,710 --> 00:22:45,309 Hillsong conference 20,000 people 561 00:22:41,850 --> 00:22:47,650 absolute freedom absolute prosperity 562 00:22:45,309 --> 00:22:50,740 which I must say I don't think that's a 563 00:22:47,650 --> 00:22:52,840 bad thing I think God has given us a 564 00:22:50,740 --> 00:22:57,429 window of opportunity that we may not 565 00:22:52,840 --> 00:22:58,840 always have here in Australia but while 566 00:22:57,429 --> 00:23:00,309 I was sitting there I received an email 567 00:22:58,840 --> 00:23:02,020 from one of my colleagues that was with 568 00:23:00,309 --> 00:23:03,700 me an it was a video of a young man the 569 00:23:02,020 --> 00:23:05,980 same age just invention I can't be sure 570 00:23:03,700 --> 00:23:08,260 that it was him but it was a young man's 571 00:23:05,980 --> 00:23:12,820 house being systematically destroyed by 572 00:23:08,260 --> 00:23:15,160 a mob of 30 40 villages I just thought 573 00:23:12,820 --> 00:23:18,309 you know what would I be able to endure 574 00:23:15,160 --> 00:23:21,820 that kind of suffering you know we asked 575 00:23:18,309 --> 00:23:25,570 invention two questions we said can you 576 00:23:21,820 --> 00:23:27,280 tell me why do you follow Jesus despite 577 00:23:25,570 --> 00:23:36,130 what's happened to you I'll never forget 578 00:23:27,280 --> 00:23:40,380 his answer because I know him do you 579 00:23:36,130 --> 00:23:42,700 know Jesus do you know Jesus like that 580 00:23:40,380 --> 00:23:48,190 because as soon as I heard that sentence 581 00:23:42,700 --> 00:23:50,740 it rocked me to my core our job is to 582 00:23:48,190 --> 00:23:52,570 strengthen Christians to remain in these 583 00:23:50,740 --> 00:23:55,720 communities so I was surprised when I 584 00:23:52,570 --> 00:23:57,190 heard our next offer our field team said 585 00:23:55,720 --> 00:23:58,840 to him you know what this is extreme 586 00:23:57,190 --> 00:24:01,150 persecution we think we might need to 587 00:23:58,840 --> 00:24:03,940 move you to another village for a season 588 00:24:01,150 --> 00:24:05,559 so you can replenish your health your 589 00:24:03,940 --> 00:24:09,220 emotional state do you know what he said 590 00:24:05,559 --> 00:24:12,130 to us if I go who will share the gospel 591 00:24:09,220 --> 00:24:15,370 with them if I go who will share the 592 00:24:12,130 --> 00:24:18,700 gospel with them I know Jesus and I know 593 00:24:15,370 --> 00:24:21,730 his purpose what an amazing amazing man 594 00:24:18,700 --> 00:24:23,919 of God let's have a look I said that I'd 595 00:24:21,730 --> 00:24:26,169 mentioned the words of Jesus and I love 596 00:24:23,919 --> 00:24:28,320 this verse one of my favorite verses in 597 00:24:26,169 --> 00:24:32,250 the Bible 598 00:24:28,320 --> 00:24:32,250 I'll just read it off here actually 599 00:24:33,240 --> 00:24:37,840 Jesus says very truly I tell you unless 600 00:24:35,800 --> 00:24:42,059 a kernel of wheat falls to the ground 601 00:24:37,840 --> 00:24:46,200 and dies it remains only a single seed 602 00:24:42,059 --> 00:24:48,900 but if it dies it produces many seeds I 603 00:24:46,200 --> 00:24:51,490 used to think I understood this verse 604 00:24:48,900 --> 00:24:53,470 and that I realized wait a minute Jesus 605 00:24:51,490 --> 00:24:55,900 is first of all prophesying his own 606 00:24:53,470 --> 00:24:58,720 imminent death but I believe there's a 607 00:24:55,900 --> 00:25:01,750 message here for all of the martyrs that 608 00:24:58,720 --> 00:25:04,990 would follow Jesus realized that their 609 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:07,240 death is not for nothing and I see my 610 00:25:04,990 --> 00:25:10,480 job as as an incredible responsibility 611 00:25:07,240 --> 00:25:12,640 to share that seed as I read this verse 612 00:25:10,480 --> 00:25:14,380 I'm reminded that they shall overcome by 613 00:25:12,640 --> 00:25:15,790 the blood of the Lamb and by the word 614 00:25:14,380 --> 00:25:18,190 that is their testimony 615 00:25:15,790 --> 00:25:19,960 I believe the seed is their testimony 616 00:25:18,190 --> 00:25:21,640 it's my prayer that it would fall on 617 00:25:19,960 --> 00:25:23,830 good soil tonight that you would be 618 00:25:21,640 --> 00:25:26,200 emboldened and encouraged to follow 619 00:25:23,830 --> 00:25:29,980 Jesus that you would be able to say to 620 00:25:26,200 --> 00:25:32,830 live is Christ and to die is gain I'll 621 00:25:29,980 --> 00:25:34,870 finish by telling you one more story and 622 00:25:32,830 --> 00:25:37,840 I've got an incredible video from Iraq 623 00:25:34,870 --> 00:25:39,340 of a young man but Iraq is is a 624 00:25:37,840 --> 00:25:41,650 seriously dangerous place to follow 625 00:25:39,340 --> 00:25:44,110 Jesus it's now number 13 but in previous 626 00:25:41,650 --> 00:25:47,100 years it's been much higher because of 627 00:25:44,110 --> 00:25:51,400 the horrors of Isis in that country I 628 00:25:47,100 --> 00:25:55,300 traveled to Jordan October a year ago 629 00:25:51,400 --> 00:25:57,580 and was able to meet firsthand Christian 630 00:25:55,300 --> 00:26:00,809 refugees who had fled seen some of the 631 00:25:57,580 --> 00:26:03,610 most horrific things you can imagine 632 00:26:00,809 --> 00:26:05,410 while I was there I met a few children 633 00:26:03,610 --> 00:26:06,850 the next two slides so you show you some 634 00:26:05,410 --> 00:26:09,820 of these incredible kids when I think of 635 00:26:06,850 --> 00:26:11,890 the seed I think of the next generation 636 00:26:09,820 --> 00:26:14,830 I think of the fact that there is hope 637 00:26:11,890 --> 00:26:17,200 despite the darkness in these countries 638 00:26:14,830 --> 00:26:20,380 the next slide is a young boy this one 639 00:26:17,200 --> 00:26:22,240 here his name's Solomon Solomon was five 640 00:26:20,380 --> 00:26:24,970 when I met him remember the same age as 641 00:26:22,240 --> 00:26:27,090 my little boy dude he'll always be in my 642 00:26:24,970 --> 00:26:31,480 heart 643 00:26:27,090 --> 00:26:33,610 the day I met Solomon I was standing in 644 00:26:31,480 --> 00:26:35,380 one of our partner facilities there it 645 00:26:33,610 --> 00:26:38,710 looked like one of our childcare centers 646 00:26:35,380 --> 00:26:40,960 clean air-conditioned and there's about 647 00:26:38,710 --> 00:26:41,760 35 kids in the room they had different 648 00:26:40,960 --> 00:26:42,810 paper 649 00:26:41,760 --> 00:26:44,760 all spread out in front of them 650 00:26:42,810 --> 00:26:47,820 different colors of pens and 651 00:26:44,760 --> 00:26:49,950 paintbrushes to choose but this day 652 00:26:47,820 --> 00:26:51,840 Solomon had chosen a sharp graphite 653 00:26:49,950 --> 00:26:53,700 implement to draw with and he was just 654 00:26:51,840 --> 00:26:55,890 scratching over and over on the piece of 655 00:26:53,700 --> 00:26:58,920 paper until it broke through he was 656 00:26:55,890 --> 00:26:59,730 drawing on the table underneath I was a 657 00:26:58,920 --> 00:27:01,530 bit confused 658 00:26:59,730 --> 00:27:05,280 I turned to our partner there and I said 659 00:27:01,530 --> 00:27:09,950 what's going on here they said well you 660 00:27:05,280 --> 00:27:12,480 see this room is full of orphans and 661 00:27:09,950 --> 00:27:15,510 most of them have witnessed their own 662 00:27:12,480 --> 00:27:19,050 parents death so by the time they come 663 00:27:15,510 --> 00:27:22,260 to us fleeing on foot many hundreds 664 00:27:19,050 --> 00:27:23,790 thousands of kilometers into Jordan by 665 00:27:22,260 --> 00:27:25,560 the time they reach us they're so 666 00:27:23,790 --> 00:27:29,610 distraught that they're in a catatonic 667 00:27:25,560 --> 00:27:32,040 state they can't even speak I put it to 668 00:27:29,610 --> 00:27:34,410 you how do you begin to see healing in a 669 00:27:32,040 --> 00:27:37,740 child's life that can't even articulate 670 00:27:34,410 --> 00:27:41,100 with words what they've seen our partner 671 00:27:37,740 --> 00:27:44,580 there is pioneering art therapy for 672 00:27:41,100 --> 00:27:46,920 children and so they'll sit alongside 673 00:27:44,580 --> 00:27:48,300 them and they'll say they'll weep with 674 00:27:46,920 --> 00:27:50,430 them and they'll say I can't imagine 675 00:27:48,300 --> 00:27:53,850 what you've seen but maybe you'd like to 676 00:27:50,430 --> 00:27:55,890 draw it for me Solomon took me by the 677 00:27:53,850 --> 00:27:57,060 hand to one of his paintings on the wall 678 00:27:55,890 --> 00:27:59,640 there was a little bit of a chronology 679 00:27:57,060 --> 00:28:02,370 of his artworks from beginning to end 680 00:27:59,640 --> 00:28:03,930 left to right so he took me to one of 681 00:28:02,370 --> 00:28:06,150 the ones on the left-hand side one of 682 00:28:03,930 --> 00:28:09,270 his first paintings with us and he told 683 00:28:06,150 --> 00:28:11,400 me via a translator I knelt down beside 684 00:28:09,270 --> 00:28:15,150 him and he said to me this is my last 685 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:18,180 memory of my village in Iraq he 686 00:28:15,150 --> 00:28:18,780 witnessed his parents killed in front of 687 00:28:18,180 --> 00:28:21,210 his eyes 688 00:28:18,780 --> 00:28:22,680 i assessed had taken control of the 689 00:28:21,210 --> 00:28:24,030 local mosque and they say if you're a 690 00:28:22,680 --> 00:28:30,290 Christian you don't get up by midnight 691 00:28:24,030 --> 00:28:33,780 you will need to be beheaded what option 692 00:28:30,290 --> 00:28:36,450 leave I'll be beheaded his parents 693 00:28:33,780 --> 00:28:38,490 didn't make it out alive and his last 694 00:28:36,450 --> 00:28:44,250 memory of his village looking over his 695 00:28:38,490 --> 00:28:45,660 shoulder was his church on fire you 696 00:28:44,250 --> 00:28:49,500 might think James that's a horrific 697 00:28:45,660 --> 00:28:51,240 story where's the hope in that and I 698 00:28:49,500 --> 00:28:52,950 don't want to just wish it away with a 699 00:28:51,240 --> 00:28:55,530 magic wand I don't think God works like 700 00:28:52,950 --> 00:28:59,400 that but on the day I saw Solomon 701 00:28:55,530 --> 00:29:01,260 he was laughing he was talking to his 702 00:28:59,400 --> 00:29:04,290 friends there was a community of 703 00:29:01,260 --> 00:29:06,350 believers around him there was parents 704 00:29:04,290 --> 00:29:08,370 that have taken him under their wing 705 00:29:06,350 --> 00:29:09,840 pastors that have said you're going to 706 00:29:08,370 --> 00:29:11,550 be a man of God these are the scriptures 707 00:29:09,840 --> 00:29:14,910 these are how you follow Jesus this is 708 00:29:11,550 --> 00:29:16,500 how to be a disciple he took me to one 709 00:29:14,910 --> 00:29:18,720 of his newer paintings which looked a 710 00:29:16,500 --> 00:29:20,820 little bit like this and you can see a 711 00:29:18,720 --> 00:29:22,560 bit more color and a bit more life he's 712 00:29:20,820 --> 00:29:26,130 beginning to get excited about the 713 00:29:22,560 --> 00:29:27,900 future and the hope that he has in Jesus 714 00:29:26,130 --> 00:29:29,550 again it would be wrong of me to just 715 00:29:27,900 --> 00:29:31,230 assume that that trauma hadn't happened 716 00:29:29,550 --> 00:29:32,190 I believe he'll carry that for a very 717 00:29:31,230 --> 00:29:33,930 very long time 718 00:29:32,190 --> 00:29:37,890 maybe you'll continue to pray with me 719 00:29:33,930 --> 00:29:41,130 for his healing beyond tonight again 720 00:29:37,890 --> 00:29:43,710 despite the suffering there are some 721 00:29:41,130 --> 00:29:45,570 real heroes of the faith this next video 722 00:29:43,710 --> 00:29:47,940 that I'll show you in closing is a young 723 00:29:45,570 --> 00:29:51,470 man named Noah he's from a village 724 00:29:47,940 --> 00:29:51,470 called Corrales take a look 725 00:29:56,610 --> 00:30:09,260 a leave addressed Allah oh Allah Sophie 726 00:30:02,460 --> 00:30:09,260 know Bakura do system out you are 727 00:30:09,950 --> 00:30:17,570 hassansins Givi all of you are called an 728 00:30:14,010 --> 00:30:20,519 escape an of crocodile are no karate 729 00:30:17,570 --> 00:30:23,050 tournament that Agri Haku one of the 730 00:30:20,519 --> 00:30:32,210 nura eliya in battle hello 731 00:30:23,050 --> 00:30:32,210 [Music] 732 00:30:34,530 --> 00:30:42,970 Our Lady play when I v by del obscenely 733 00:30:42,490 --> 00:30:48,850 up 734 00:30:42,970 --> 00:30:52,660 I love alive with either your foot you 735 00:30:48,850 --> 00:30:57,780 are I never know I might require oh I'm 736 00:30:52,660 --> 00:30:57,780 alive declared a double aa double e oh 737 00:30:58,470 --> 00:31:04,830 pleasure sir oh I wanna pee we surrender 738 00:31:01,850 --> 00:31:08,169 [Music] 739 00:31:04,830 --> 00:31:11,830 told me I liked even darker my segment 740 00:31:08,169 --> 00:31:14,180 are eligible fashion motherĂ­s that oh I 741 00:31:11,830 --> 00:31:16,169 live with Val value or Jalan enough 742 00:31:14,180 --> 00:31:22,240 [Music] 743 00:31:16,169 --> 00:31:26,050 Alex I said chakra meditation whoo ha ha 744 00:31:22,240 --> 00:31:34,890 ha ha 745 00:31:26,050 --> 00:31:36,900 [Music] 746 00:31:34,890 --> 00:31:38,790 I mentioned that huge numbers of 747 00:31:36,900 --> 00:31:41,280 Christians are now able to return to 748 00:31:38,790 --> 00:31:43,770 Iraq just the most amazing if you want 749 00:31:41,280 --> 00:31:46,070 to go home and Google that open doors 750 00:31:43,770 --> 00:31:48,179 Palm Sunday just amazing footage 751 00:31:46,070 --> 00:31:49,650 thousands and thousands of Christians 752 00:31:48,179 --> 00:31:51,929 are now returning home we're helping 753 00:31:49,650 --> 00:31:55,799 them rebuild their lives we've since 754 00:31:51,929 --> 00:31:59,580 taken Noah to Parliament in in Britain 755 00:31:55,799 --> 00:32:01,590 to the head of the European Union to 756 00:31:59,580 --> 00:32:03,540 Washington he's advocating on behalf of 757 00:32:01,590 --> 00:32:05,549 Christians all around the world there is 758 00:32:03,540 --> 00:32:07,860 hope in the darkness people are 759 00:32:05,549 --> 00:32:10,740 advancing the gospel you guys have 760 00:32:07,860 --> 00:32:12,780 already done so much for us tonight but 761 00:32:10,740 --> 00:32:14,970 Emily one of my incredible team members 762 00:32:12,780 --> 00:32:17,370 with us in the Queensland office is here 763 00:32:14,970 --> 00:32:18,990 she just gave me a wave over there if 764 00:32:17,370 --> 00:32:21,120 you have any questions about partnering 765 00:32:18,990 --> 00:32:23,429 further with us beyond tonight feel free 766 00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:24,990 to come and see em at the stand we put 767 00:32:23,429 --> 00:32:27,299 it quite simply we don't really it's 768 00:32:24,990 --> 00:32:28,770 really not about your money we want you 769 00:32:27,299 --> 00:32:29,490 to be with us for the longest time 770 00:32:28,770 --> 00:32:31,080 possible 771 00:32:29,490 --> 00:32:32,970 so maybe just think about a regular 772 00:32:31,080 --> 00:32:35,850 subscription in your life I joke about 773 00:32:32,970 --> 00:32:37,169 Netflix that you paid $12 a month then 774 00:32:35,850 --> 00:32:39,030 you continue to get the benefits of 775 00:32:37,169 --> 00:32:41,700 Netflix or whatever they might be day is 776 00:32:39,030 --> 00:32:44,220 wasted on end I'm guilty of that by the 777 00:32:41,700 --> 00:32:48,330 way I often joke yes Netflix don't 778 00:32:44,220 --> 00:32:50,040 patronize me I am still watching imagine 779 00:32:48,330 --> 00:32:51,900 if that subscription you matched it to 780 00:32:50,040 --> 00:32:54,150 the survival of the persecuted Church I 781 00:32:51,900 --> 00:32:54,830 can vouch for this ministry I've met 782 00:32:54,150 --> 00:32:57,870 these people 783 00:32:54,830 --> 00:33:00,690 amazing amazing that's close in prayer 784 00:32:57,870 --> 00:33:02,760 lord I thank you for your gospel I thank 785 00:33:00,690 --> 00:33:04,530 you that it has the ability the 786 00:33:02,760 --> 00:33:07,650 authority to break the chains of the 787 00:33:04,530 --> 00:33:09,630 enemy Lord that we continue to serve you 788 00:33:07,650 --> 00:33:12,000 and worship you and praise you despite 789 00:33:09,630 --> 00:33:13,650 the challenges that we see Lord God we 790 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:15,270 continue to raise a hallelujah for you 791 00:33:13,650 --> 00:33:17,040 Lord we continue to worship you because 792 00:33:15,270 --> 00:33:19,110 you're worth it Jesus more than anything 793 00:33:17,040 --> 00:33:21,780 else not because of what you've done for 794 00:33:19,110 --> 00:33:24,120 us but for who you are we love you lord 795 00:33:21,780 --> 00:33:26,130 I pray for this church you give people 796 00:33:24,120 --> 00:33:29,460 boldness a new boldness to share the 797 00:33:26,130 --> 00:33:31,950 gospel new excitement to walk with you 798 00:33:29,460 --> 00:33:34,500 every day Lord Jesus I pray that they 799 00:33:31,950 --> 00:33:36,240 would see a tangible result in their 800 00:33:34,500 --> 00:33:37,559 faith journey from the contribution 801 00:33:36,240 --> 00:33:40,190 they've already made tonight what an 802 00:33:37,559 --> 00:33:42,890 incredible generosity Lord Jesus 803 00:33:40,190 --> 00:33:45,140 let them be inspired by the stories of 804 00:33:42,890 --> 00:33:48,970 the persecuted Church we stand with them 805 00:33:45,140 --> 00:33:48,970 tonight Lord your name we pray